
Your preventative care visits to our office may be some of the most important ones for your health. That’s because each time we see you for cleanings and examinations, we have a chance to detect decay, gum infections, abscesses and more serious problems.

The earlier we can detect these problems, the faster we can start treatment to eliminate the problem. If we notice that we are having to clean away a lot of plaque, we can help you develop a better at-home care regimen to keep your teeth cleaner between visits.

We strongly suggest that you maintain a regular schedule of preventative visits to our office.

Our Goal: Keeping Your Teeth!

With our services, we intend to help you keep every last tooth. One of the ways we do this is providing guards for your teeth. Night guards prevent damage from teeth-grinding, and sports guards prevent injury during athletics.

Whatever we can do to protect your teeth, please let us know.

Keep your teeth with prevention!